Today is the day, Christmas for waterfowl is here. Roxy is ready to go! Piper will not be starting until duck season. Don’t think we forgot her. Roxy girl is in her element, we found where the geese wanted to be and a good spot picked out. We also go to bring along my father in law for the first time doing a layout hunt. Ground rules were set on the hunt with everyone like we always do when hunting with a dog. Which is watch out for the dog and don’t shoot the dog, lastly the most alive one is always the one she wants. (remember that for later).

The morning was unusually warm for goose season, and fighting bugs was not something we had in mind that morning, luckily someone had some bug spray in their truck. We were able to watch some ducks want to work into the spread though all we could do was watch the show. Finally the geese started to work into our spread. We were shooting well and just having a great time. Then something odd happened were watching a group of about six or so and my father in law jumps up and shoots when no one else does, and downs two of the geese, Roxy ended up having to find one them for him, as it had gone into some tall grass. He then was lectured on that geese will circle the spread and then land and not always just come in to land.

The morning continues on Roxy is having a fantastic day and many retrieves which for her is amazing as she often had difficulty with picking geese up in the field as they throw her off balance. During one of our volleys we down a goose who begins to run I let Roxy go after it, as she is giving chase I begin to see my father in law get some tunnel vision and pull his gun up to shoot the goose again. I began yelling “the dogs got it! The dogs got it! He then realized what i meant and apologize and then just watched in aw as our Roxy girl did her job. A fun hunt all in all and a great learning experience for others. 


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