Another Day in the Blind
Miss Roxy hand some awesome hunts this year and being so busy with them I realized I never updated some of them. She had a wonderful hunt with my husband and a friend of ours, she did well hunting some ducks, and had actually hunted geese in the field earlier in the morning with a larger group of people. Though we couldn't have asked for anything more from her, she did what she was supposed to and needed a little guidance on where the birds were falling but all in all she has been and continues to be a great waterfowl dog.
The pictures below are on from a very, very, cold Maine morning where it was about 10 degrees. We had our propane heater out. It wasn't the best day of hunting but we were able to get a few ducks, and she didn't really like the ice that was out in the water, so she didn't end up getting the birds but if there had not been ice she would have gotten them. She was so excited though do just be out and watching the sky to see what was coming in next.
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