I'm sorry readers I realize that its been a while since I have posted on here. Summer has picked up here in Maine which just keeps everyone busy. Which means working outside on flowers, my husband and I both out riding our motorcycles, but don't fret I haven't forgot about our three legged friend. She still goes just about everywhere. If we go to my parents for dinner she goes, gonna go down to the river for a little bit, she goes, etc. One bit thing my husband and I talked a lot about was getting Roxy a "brain" or an e-collar. The one we decided on is a mix it has the electric shock, and it can also vibrate, and you can both increase or decrease the severity as well as use multiple collars with the remote so when the time comes we can just purchase another collar rather than another system for when Roxy gets a new hunting buddy. I knew she probably wouldn't like it at first and wonder what was going on, which is exactly what happened when I shocked her for the first time, but within a matter of minutes she understood what this was all about. It was about waiting until I told her it was ok to get the bumper, and listening to the commands I had to give her, recalling back to me or to look and see where she needed to go. It helped solidify the commands we had been trying to give her all along, and just put those last parts together, and boy am I excited to see what kind of hunting dog she will be this fall.
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