Boat Ride
On Memorial Day, Roxy got to go on her first boat ride. We never took her last summer but she finally got to go this year. My dad and I decided to go and pick some fiddle heads as they would be going by soon. We got to the boat landing got the canoe down tot he water of course Roxy had already taken herself for a swim or two at this point. I asked her to get into the boat which she did and had her sit between my legs in the front. She moved around some, kept trying to look around, and kind of looked uncomfortable. Though we made it to our fiddle head spot, and picked until we felt we had enough. We loaded everything back into the boat though this time we put Roxy right behind me in the canoe instead of in front of me. She did a lot better this time around, I think she liked being able to see both me and my dad. We even went by some geese, she knew what they were and dad and I were fully prepared for her to jump out of the canoe. Luckily she did not do that and stayed relatively calm. If I had told her it was ok I'm sure she would have tried to go after them though. All in all I was very impressed for how she did, though she sure was tired out after a day like that.
Until next time: Tripawmama
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