The Bill, and that Cone

Can we talk about this awful cone that Roxy had to wear? I understand that it was to help keep her from licking her wound, and pulling at her stitches. I completely understand that she needed it and it would help her recovery, but man she would walk right behind you and wham! slam that cone into the back of your legs. I swear I had little marks on my legs for a good week after she no longer had to wear it. We did take it off of her some to give her a break, but only if we were monitoring her closely. She also really enjoyed chewing her cone, to the point that she went through two of them. She also enjoyed slamming it into what ever she could, and wasn't very gentle about it, but of course Miss Roxy is a diva. Another thing she enjoyed doing as, it was winter here in Maine and there was snow on the ground, was using her cone as a shovel. As you can see in the video she would put her head down get snow in her cone and throw it, and more often than not it would end up hitting you and getting snow down your boots, which was always a great feeling.
The matter of paying for all of Roxy's bills was another thing my husband and I had to deal with. We had luckily made the choice, when Roxy was a puppy, and we had gotten insurance for her,  in case she had some kind of an accident, or swallowed something, as puppies tend to do. We hoped we wouldn't need it but boy were we glad we had it. Our insurance covered most of her bills only having us pay maybe less then a quarter of it out of pocket, and being that I was already in nursing school this helped. I could recommend this to anyone, get your pets insurance. It gave us the chance to help Roxy, and not have to worry about the bill. We insured her with the company 24 Hour Pet Watch. They were very easy to work with during this time, and so was our vets office, as they helped us send the documentation the insurance company needed for her. I hope if this is something a reader was thinking about for their pet that this could be that extra push to go through with it, I'm glad we did, and we tell all of our friends to do the same.
Until next time: Tripawmama


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