Mom's Birthday
The day Roxy came home from the vet was my mom's birthday. I was a nervous wreak and my husband had to work, so I knew I'd have to get her and bring her home. Luckily my mom stepped up and went with me to go and get Roxy. I called the vets office that morning, and they said she would be ready at around 9am. My mom came and picked me up earlier that morning and we went and had breakfast together. I was wondering how Roxy would be. Would she be sad, would she be excited or scared to see us. How was she feeling? Was she in a lot of pain? These questions kept running through my head over and over. I didn't know what to expect when I saw her. It was finally time to go and I get her, I entered the vets office told them who I was and what I was doing there. I took seat and waited for them to bring her out. She came out tail wagging and as excited as ever, exceeding my expectations. She was more excited to see my mom and I rather than focused on what was going on with her. We talked to the vet about what they wanted us to do for her, she had three different types of medication that she was taking. We helped her into the car, but she didn't even want to lay down. She rode home, me holding back that dreadful cone as she wanted to try and venture into the front seat with us. We helped her into the house as going up stairs for her was not easy at all yet. The important thing was she was home, she was happy, and we were starting this new adventure together.
Until another day: Tripawmama
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