Hunting Season


Roxy had a great first hunting season as a new pup. She knew that being up early in the morning, what was going on, and by the gear we were prepping. She went quite a few times and even with larger groups of people, sometimes six or seven of us. One distinct hunt memory I remember was with a group of our friends, and we were hunting geese. A nice group came in and we popped up and shot, we must have got maybe four birds and as most water fowl hunters know, just because you shoot at the bird doesn't mean its dead. In this case one of them was winged and started to run. This was probably Roxy's hunt and second time to retrieve that day. She ran right after that goose who was on the ground and got him. I wish I had it on video it was amazing. From then on we know she wasn't afraid and loved the hunt.
To add another hunting memory from the photos I posted with this post, the one with us and the ducks a geese was another fun day. I had nursing class that day, and wasn't done class until about 4PM. I had even worn most of my hunting clothes to class so I could get out quickly as my husband and a few friends were all ready set up and hunting. I quickly arrived and there was so many birds flying it was probably one of our most exciting days. We hunted in a field and she would keep whining, and was excited just birds kept coming in so fast. It was also my first duck hunt. I shot a nice female mallard, as well as a goose, I was trying to get another mallard and anther goose to limit out for the day. A nice drake came in one of the best of the day. I waited for it to land, because I was not having a good shooting day. One shot and I got him, we are about to release Roxy to go and get it and what do I see one of our friends hoping out of the blind running to get my duck, and Roxy hot on his heals, saying that's a nice duck, boy that's a nice duck, and telling my husband to get it mounted for me. But sure enough he beat Rox to it, but it made for an awesome day.
The other picture was later in the year, during partridge season, we mostly just drove around in the woods that day, and learned she probably won't make the best partridge dog, but we could live with that. Until next time everyone.


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