First Real Swim

Roxy finally had her first swim, and she did well I'd like to say amazing but actually I was nervous as hell. The water was still really cold, and very dirty, and I didn't want my new pup to drown, but she also needed to learn. She got her paws wet, and we threw a stick in the water. She started whining, and crying we threw rocks at it and finally she went in after it. She was splashing everywhere, not knowing what she was doing, she came back into shore and tried again, she did it but was still splashing a lot.
Then my near heart attack happened. We continued to throw the stick in the water, but on one of her attempts she decided to grab apart of a branch that was attached to a tree in the water, why she did that no idea, because the stick we threw was no where near that. She proceeded to start treading water holding on to the stick, she hadn't really mastered the whole drop it or leave it thing. I started to get concerned so didn't my dad and sister. I was thinking maybe I should take my shoes off and go in. We thought if she started to get tired she would let go but she still wouldn't. I was about to take my shoes off after yelling and saying leave it and drop it so many times. Thinking my poor puppy is going to go under just because of a stupid stick. Roxy swims herself in a circle the branch breaks, and what does she do bring it to shore drop it, and want more. That silly dog about put me in a hospital, but was proud she retrieved that stick, and was like bring it on!
I hope this never happens to anyone it's scary, but I'm glad she is still that determined: Tripawmama


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