Start of Training

I could talk about how we worked to house break her, and cleaning messes up, from her peeing and pooping on the floor, but all in all she did really well, and the kennel training really did work for us. But what we really wanted to do was work on her retrieve instinct, we didn't care if she broke, from sitting, we just wanted her to find her dummy and bring it back. She took to it really quickly.
We did notice that she needed to work on these skills away from home, her focus at home was terrible and still is to this day, but as soon as we walk to the field behind the house she is all business. She still didn't quite understand why she was doing all this, and why we were asking her to do these things but come fall she would get it. 
Now this is our first dog, and my husband and I all ready see things we wish we would have done different in working with her, but live and learn, as long as she's happy that's what matters.
Until next time: Tripawmama


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